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Why are you stuck in your struggle and suffering?

Why do people like being unwell?


Most of us were not taught the energetic experiences of living well, abundant, and the freedom of flowing with the bounteousness of life. We are sovereign and inextricably woven with infinite potential. And yet, we still wear our pain and suffering like a badge of honor to be welcomed into the fraternity of separateness we never asked to join.


Why? Do you notice this in yourself and others? Here’s my take ...


Maybe: It’s somehow easier to stomach suffering than us is being well and wildly healthy. “The collective is suffering right, so I should too?” We are conditioned for suffering, and you can see this everywhere.


Maybe: It’s a way to get the attention you probably didn’t get in your formative years from the people you needed most. Your inner child still gets the thrill of the temper tantrum and pleasure seeking bouts of helplessness.


Maybe: It’s a reason to not have to try and hide from the responsibility of show up for your life. “It’s all gone to shit, so there’s no point to make it better, it can’t happen anyways ...”


But, the good news is, we still have time to change.


We deeply want to receive support and lean into recovery and healing Because we know that it IS actually available to us ! We feel the push back because our soul KNOWS that it will unlock something... the “oh it’s not a god time for this” mind is just the ego mind holding onto its beloved vices of pain and suffering. And these have proven to well serve you thus far in living in the illusion that you are not already whole and worthy. An illusion of control.


There will never be the right time for the ego to die.


It is safe here to let go and see what wants to come through to serve your higher self. Notice where your resistance lives in your body, hold hir, breathe there, and listen for the YOU that knows that now is all you have, and it’s only exploration anyways.


We don’t get guarantees with our healing.


We don't get the free ticket to the big event that will change everything for us.


We don't get told what to do and have it mean a damn if we don't know this within our own being.


There is no clever catch phrase to convince you that now, or I am a good fit to support your journey back into belonging to yourself.


Only your heart knows.


What are you waiting for?


Only through your own clarity and compassion can you know that the healing has already begun.

Love, Jenny

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