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Truth and Voice Coaching

Let's be honest - how much of your truth, your authenticity, your song, or your needs and desires are not being expressed and shared with the world?

That's what I thought...

It's time you learn that it's safe, when you have the right tools, to share your power, your truth, your medicine, and your song with the world without being silenced by fear or doubt.

Truth work is relational healing.

Your voice is your seat of sovereignty.

So this is the invitation to explore, learn, and reprogram your relationship to your freedom, your impact in the world, and your own sense of self trust.

Truth and Voice coaching is a key to unlocking your most coherent self, the version of you that is fully aligned in body, thoughts, and actions. By unlocking your truth and un-patterning negative beliefs, you'll feel liberated and healed by your soul's authentic expression.

But it's not just about you...(sorry yall, this is not just another "let's make you feel better" but negate your communal responsibility). You see, by repairing your relationship with your own body, truth, voice, and power, you'll learn how to honor, protect, and value these qualities in others as well. This work is rooted in coming back into right relationship with yourself, which is the first step to learning and living in right relationship with others.

Most of us came into this world with many generations of conditioning that have kept us silent and small due to fear (of conflict, of abandonment, of our own power, and so on) and it's time to reclaim the life-nourishing power that is your birthright.

Truth is how we get free, but it's not how we stay in our comfort zone.

Growth won't happen in your comfort zone.

The ability to build capacity for discomfort is how we heal.

Let's do this.

Voice =

Your embodied instrument of truth and choice

Empowerment =

Not letting fear make choices for you


A subjective, fluid, experience that cannot be manipulated by outside influence

Imagine being able to confidently and fearlessly speak up in any situation, whether it's sharing something intimate, communicating conflict, or expressing your deepest desires and needs while staying rooted in your center, and remain compassionately connected to others.

By walking this path and learning new skills, you'll experience profound positive changes in your life. You'll be able to:

  • Build more meaningful and fulfilling relationships with others, based on honesty and authenticity.

  • Overcome the fear of judgment and rejection, allowing you to take up space without apology and embrace your fullest expression.

  • Regain a sense of control over your life, feeling more empowered to make choices that align with your truth and desires.

  • Experience a deeper sense of self-worth and self-love, allowing you to let go of negative beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back.

  • Feel more confident and at ease in social situations, without the fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood.

Let yourself be guided you on a journey of profound transformation and liberation, and experience the real life, down to earth, infinitely applicable positive changes that come with embodying your truth for personal and planetary well being!


Behold this four-part coaching series:

Session 1: Voice Liberation - Release

Banishing fear to embrace freedom

Session 2: Truth Activation - Remember 

Embodiment of your truth

Session 3: Soul Sovereignty - Reclaim 

Reconnecting with the divinity of your voice

Session 4: Integral Weaving - Relate

Frequency in the World


What's in store for you:

Each session will co-create a space of connection and honesty, where you'll be invited unravel your inner wisdom and muster the courage to stand up for your truth. I shall serve as your guide - a clear mirror, a loving friend, a fierce wisdom teacher, and a joyful presence - as you rediscover the power of your voice, and learn life-changing tools that you'll wish you would have learned 15 years ago.


You'll be encouraged to:

-Reframe your language to reflect your deepest truths

-Negotiate with fear and create new agreements

-Embrace your truth as a way to heal from trauma

-Reform negative beliefs that hold you back

-Attune to the higher frequency of your soul

-Acquire skills for Inner Dialogue and Parts work

-Implement Non-Violent Communication for healthier relationships

-Rethink mental functions to decolonize your thinking

-Return to your body as a sacred vessel of truth

-Activate coherence to radically self-heal ​

-Visualize the potential if your very own voice could transform and heal your life.

With each session, we will return, again and again, to the prayer of your heart's longing with utmost care, reverence, curiosity, and as needed, humor!

Genuine healing requires one's honesty with oneself, and that's exactly what you'll find here. There's no way around it, but at least you wont be alone, and I'm here to remind you that it can even feel good, or better yet, enlivening! It's time to bring your life force back in, so that it can be shared from a place of power, integration, and loving acceptance.

The 4 part coaching series is $333

This is a process of unlearning as much as it is about learning, and that, is a much needed process in our modern time. 

So much has piled up and stuffed down, and when that core truth, that authentic voice, and brave being, is allowed to be seen, loved, and trusted again, your whole life can begin to orient towards a life that's actually made for who you really are, not who you would like to be.

This is how we get free.

From here, from acceptance and love, positive change can come.


What people are saying

"Vocal empowerment turns on the healing powers of your own voice, and carries forth from the workshop into the world in a way that will unfurl and grow with you. It's a path and a journey towards release of your truth, towards freeing your soul from rusty chains and outlived lives. With courage, sensitivity, and innate wisdom, Jenny will help you find doors to your own healing and hold the space for you to step through and explore what lies beyond. In an age when our voices are often silenced or lost to the whir of consumerism, hypermedia and normopathy, Vocal Empowerment is a gift, a calling together, and invitation to move beyond the anxieties of self-censorship into a place where your truth is honored and you are welcome to be. Who knows what blossoms bloom further down this path . . . I'm excited to keep walking, and find out..." - Claire W.

"I felt that I had so many epiphanies it's hard to synopsis, but few were that I likely define things like love and validation differently than those I'm in relationship with simply because I'm human, and also that the path forward for me, is being in deeper relationship with myself, getting to know what I need." - Jan H

"Vocal Empowerment has been a gateway for so much softness in my journey as I was shown how to sit and allow clear knowledge of my fears to reveal themselves and how to work to let go of the subconscious dictation they’ve played in my life. My favorite part of this container was that one of the main intentions of this space was to be alongside one another, and that we all had full permission to come forward and share more often than I ever would have thought. Being able to stand by one another in that way created immense support and practice to be in our light. It created a beautiful circle of kindred spirits. I also love that this course is split into 5 weeks, the number five aligning with our fifth chakra, Vishuddha, the center of our voice/truth. The prompts were very thought provoking, and challenged me to come into myself without overwhelming me. The time I spent here with Jenny and the rest of our gang has fueled me with honesty, courage, and readiness to listen to how it feels to be in my body when I am experiencing triggers, vulnerability, and allowing myself to take actions towards transmutation."

​"Vocal Empowerment was beautifully structured and exquisitely healing. The need for a safe, intimate and brave container was undeniably met with the souls who entered this field and the one who created it. Jenny held the space in such a potent way that allowed for so much expansion and so much beauty to flow through not only from her but from the group as well. I feel so inspired by this course and so much energy is flowing through to allow the unfurling of myself in a much more compassionate, excited and wholesome way."

I get it.
I used to horrifically stage fright (I'm talking puking before the high school talent show and making everyone close their eyes when I sang). I also used to be a habitual liar, a middle school thief, and a good old fashion hooligan who was terrified to be seen for who I really am (a powerful and radiant being!), take up space in my relationships, and I was sure as hell afraid that no matter what, I wasn't going to be loved, understood, or accepted.

But I knew that my authentic expression, my voice, my truth, and my willingness to be exactly what I am was my pathway to living the most beautiful and meaningful life that I could have ever imagined, and here I am.

Let me show you what I have learned in 15 years in the music industry, 8 years in deep study of how the soul and mind meet in the throat, and offer you some life changing perspectives to bring ease and joy into the process of coming back into your power, and being seen there.

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